“Don’t forget about white!”

Summer is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean we should forget about the white trend and pull out the black clothes. While we’re huge fans of the look, white outfits are admittedly hard to pull off.

[KVESTA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), LOVILA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), MINISA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com)]

As with all of our fashion woes, we’ve turned to our stylists for advice. Their key tips: play with textures, accessorize with bold colours and always carry a small instant stain remover in your handbag.

[OKISA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), NOSILA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), PELISA – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com)]

All-white clothes are meant to be simple. Forget about fussy layers and go for a shrunken off-white sweater and wide-leg trousers. Keep things interesting by experimenting with accessories. Gold sandals and a very soft pink clutch will create a cool tonal mix without taking away from the clean color palette.

[APLIN – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), KAMIAS – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com), OSKAN – CÉDELAR (cedelarparis.com)]